Home INFO Принцот Хари заплива во музичките води (видео)

Принцот Хари заплива во музичките води (видео)


Дуетот на рокерот Џон Бон Џови и принцот Хари ја воодушеви светската јавност.

Имено, за потребите на настанот The Invictus Games, меѓународен настан со повеќе различни спортови, во кои учестваат ранети или болни лица од вооружените служби и ветерани, Бон Џови и Хари ја снимија песната Unbroken.

Принцот Хари не пее вистински, тоа им го препуштил на професионалците, а песната Unbroken е снимена во студиото во кое „Битлси“ снимија 11 од своите 13 албуми.

Целиот приход од настанот ќе биде дониран во хуманитарни цели.

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Testing, testing🎙… • Recorded inside Abbey Road Studios, home to The Beatles and other music legends, The Duke of Sussex joins Jon Bon Jovi and the Invictus Games Choir for a special live session in aid of the Invictus Games Foundation. The song being played, called ‘Unbroken’, was created by Jon Bon Jovi to shine a spotlight on those veterans living with Post Traumatic Stress Injury (PTSI), to honour their service and acknowledge the strength of the Armed Forces community. The Duke and JBJ are both strong supporters of the military community, with The Duke founding the Invictus Games in 2014. The Invictus Games Choir, made up of wounded, injured and sick veterans and serving personnel from all services and different ranks of the UK Armed Forces, have come together to use the power of music to aid their recovery. Although The Duke was unable to sing, leaving the vocals to the professionals, the special single that was recorded in Studio 2 where The Beatles recorded 11 out of their 13 albums, and will be released in March in support of the @WeAreInvictusGames. Video © SussexRoyal

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